Tuesday, July 31, 2012

31 plays in 31 days

So I've signed up for this challenge! You write 31 plays in 31 days and you feel good about yourself. Because instead of doing what I always do-- drinking beer, watching Netflix, not doing any writing, texting old boyfriends, reading other people's plays, napping, not doing any writing, fantasizing what my life could be like if only I could write my damn play, not doing any writing-- instead of only doing those things, you're writing, too!

And of course, your plays can be dreck or genius or just kind of mediocre. They can be one page or two hundred pages. The only important thing is that you get stuff down on paper. And I like the philosophy of the organizers:

The 31 Plays in 31 Days Project is based on the idea that to become a better writer, you must write. You must write a lot. And you need to practice experimenting with your writing form constantly. The pressure of this goal will allow you to set aside preconceived notions of what you should be writing and how you should be doing it. You will not have time to overanalyze your work, you will just have to write, write, write and be surprised by what comes out of you. You may love your work some days and wonder what happened on others, but by the end of the month, you will have amassed 31 new plays. Instead of waiting for the breeze of inspiration to blow your way, you will see that writing is a craft that can be called on at any time.
--Rachel Bublitz & Tracy Held Potter.

Wish me luck! Today begins the first day and the first play!

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